Continue reading Tobacco pouches for Natural American Spirit
We hope to find you well and that you have a great summer. We would like to introduce our new Hemp Tobacco Pouch to you.
Hemp is one of the fastest growing plants and was one of the first plants to be spun into usable fiber 10,000 years ago. Hemp as nature designed it, is vital to our urgent need to reduce greenhouse gases and ensure the survival of our planet. Our hemp tobacco pouches are suitable for vegans and vegetarians. No animal products are used and no tests are made on animals.
When you open our hemp tobacco pouch, first there’s that special hemp feeling under your fingertips; a soft and natural touch. You inhale the soothing scent of fresh tobacco; then you snap open the pouch, rustle the papers, hear the tobacco crackle lightly. Everything is in its right place. This hemp tobacco pouch is in harmony with nature.
Liebe Freunde von Original Kavatza,
wir hoffen es geht Euch gut und Ihr genießt den beginnenden Sommer
Wir sind zurück von den ersten Messen des Jahres und voller neuer Ideen und Tatendrang. Hier könnt Ihr Euch ein kurzes Video mit unseren Eindrücken von der Mary Jane 2017 ansehen: https://goo.gl/39Kdri
Hier möchten wir Euch unsere Neuen Sommer-Designs vorstellen. Die Kork Familie, welche wir Ende letzten Jahres eingeführt haben hat Zuwachs bekommen, welcher als Tabaktasche, Dreh-Tabaktasche und Mini Drehtasche erhältlich ist. Die zwei neuen Designs heißen Atlantia & Kork-Odile.
Life is a celebration of everyday rituals: paying for your coffee, checking your smartphone, rolling a cigarette…
This indispensable companion on the road of life is a wallet, smartphone case, and tobacco pouch all rolled into one – and perfectly sized for your pocket.
Perhaps the best life hack since advent of tobacco.
An Original Kavatza product available in simple and advanced
Three in one, from dusk till dawn …
This little wallet may seem unremarkable at first, but flip open the rear pouch, and you’ll find a special compartment for your cigarettes and lighter.